Let us introduce you the winner of Prague Challenge “Beach body in 90 days”
Once again ,3 months pasted by very fast and the end of another FIT UP! challenge is here. But the results were shocking this time!
This time we had in studio in Prague purely male team (to see their starting point read the article here). We have to admit, that since the beginning, we noticed strong commitment and eagerness to win. But as we all know, even when your mind is set to win, many times you come across obstacles, that you are not able to foresee beforehand. That is what happened also to some of our contestants- workload from their daily jobs or illness made the contest harder and stopped them from practising for few important weeks. 🙁
Well, most of the people would probably decide to quit, just give up the contest, but not our FIT UP! guys! They proved to us, that if you really want to, you can amount anything despite the obstacles and we were very pleased with the final results. Many kilograms and centimetres disappeared –especially from the “belly area”. 🙂 All of our contestants have lost between 6 -15 cm from their waist! We cannot be more proud! Take a look. 🙂
All our contestants did well , but there can be only one winner…Therefore, it is our pleasure to introduce to you the winner of our “Beach body in 90 days” Challenge in Prague – Aleš! Aleš didn’t skip a single training and it is easy to see. 😉 He lost 9 kg of fat and 15 cm from his waist in total! :O Check his results! 😉
And what does Aleš say about all of that? : “Well, I am not done yet!“ We want to thank to our trainer David, who was in charge of our contest and the photographer Mrs. Petra Šebestová from Glamour foto, who made beautiful photos of the entire event.
Remember, this can be you next time! 😉
It´s up to you!