This time you get sweaty just by reading this proposal. Summer is in full beauty, but is not advised to forget about your figure. Majority of us telles themselves, that it is time to begin to work out, but after one mothe the motivation leave us, we surrender, because weather is hot, because everyone is heading for the lake or the pool, because, because, because. BUT Summer is the best period for the work out, your body will form a habit and this habit will help you to break throught the comfort zone. In Summer fat burning is more effective than in winter, and it is easier to set detoxification program, cause our nutrition will mimic the more natural meals found in nature. In Summer we are consuming more of vegetabes and fruits, that is where detoxification happne. So i tis best time to strat you work out habit. We at FIT UP! Are supporting healthy lifestyle, and this is the reason why we are offering you our special thing „SUMMER FOR FREE“, it will help you fullfill your dream of perfect body.
The sooner you decide to take action, the better the offer will be. Choose membership with unlimited period and summer months will be yours for free.
Sooner the Better it will be.
So how you will get SUMMER FOR FREE?
-register yourself as new member for unlimited period.
-offer is valid 1-7. -31.8 in every FIT UP! Studio in SR and CZ
- What if I register in the half on August, do I get 2 months for free?
In this case, you get free only remaining day of August. Only July and August are free. The sooner you come the better it will get. - Do I pay registration fee?
If your membership ended in less than 6 months, registration fee is free. Card will activated for free.
If you are beginner, you need to pay registration fee. This fee is just single payment only and it serves as administration fee for your membership. - Is this offer relevant only for VIP memberships, or is it applicable for standard membership?
Offer is applicaple for standard and for VIP memberships. You can find out more about benefits of VIP membership on our web page , by phone, on on reception in nearest studio. - After 12 months period, do I need to prolonge my membership?
After 12 months you can choose whatever type of membership you desire. I tis Up to You. - Can I use this offer even when I am currently member? Yes, but only if you are upgrading your membership from standard to VIP membership. If your membership is ending to 31.7.2019 you have still chance to tak this offer and till the end of august you are working out for free.