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CROSS UP! zone is here for you. Come and try it!

You can also try a popular circuit training in our FIT UP! where the most modern equipment within our completely new CROSS UP! zone is waiting for you. Trainings are led by our trainers, five days a week.

Circuit training is suitable for those who want to get in shape and also enjoy group exercises under the supervision of qualified trainers who motivates you and will lead you right to the finish, of course taking into account your abilities.

“Each workout can be built differently, workout sets are easy to modulate and thanks to this the exercise in CROSS UP! zone cannot be bored,” says trainer FIT UP! Marianna ‘Kuška’ Kušová.

“It is a suitable activity also for beginners and nowadays very popular, because it is a modern form of exercise. Circuit training includes exercises with your own body weight, especially the strength, stretch and balance activities. It forms the core of the body muscles and improves overall stability, “explains Viktor Vincze, another of the FIT UP! trainers, who leads trainings in CROSS UP! zone.

In newly equipped room for circuit training our visitors have available many of modern exercise equipment from Reebok brand importer that specializes in gear for CROSS UP!. Of course there is a sports floor, trampoline, medicine balls, dumbbells, seaman’s rope, trapeze, Fitballs or rubber ropes – expanders.

“In the circuit training are used kettlebells very often, which are the special weights with handles, but also very popular are the multifunctional devices TRX, developed by U.S. Army, that allow you a versatile exercises with your own body. This all is available for our visitors in FIT UP! “said manager of FIT UP! Mario Godor.

So what is the best on the exercise in CROSS UP! zone in FIT UP!? For VIP members is it totally free including of trainer’s services! Come and try it.