Are 30 days enough?
Not such a long time ago, we have published an article by blogger Lucka, in which she interviewed our trainer Dominik about diet, training and good advices to start your „transformation journey“.
This interview was a part of a project called „ Are 30 days enough?“. Lucka experienced during this project on her own skin, what is possible to amount, when one is eating right and exercising and has the support of a professional trainer for 30 days. Lucka has undergone this transformation in our FIT UP! 😉 We hope that u will be also inspired by her story and realize, why is it so important not to give up so easily!
Now back to Lucka:
I am one of those people, who are not waiting for miracles. I believe that if you want a change, you should do something about it. Dreaming is just not enough. To be honest, I didn´t expect much at the very beginning of the project “Are 30 days enough?” What should I expect in 30 days after 30 years of pure laziness? But to my surprise, my body did quite a job over those 30 days! I would compare it to some kind of a small volcano that was sleeping for long time and suddenly woke up to life.
I started this project with some sort of expectation, but for sure it wasn’t a big expectation. My body saw training maybe only in the TV series “Desperate housewives” or from an airplane. Yes, this is how close I have been to exercising few weeks ago. I could probably recall some short bike-rides, inline skating, or some other activities which always ended with Cola and hot-dog.
The first and basic step was of course the change of my diet. Actually, I didn´t have to do any drastic changes. I love fruits and vegetables, meat and all the other stuff. Unfortunately, the biggest problem for me was the amount of the food, especially during lunch and dinner. Yes, you are hearing right! I didn´t eat. I was maybe just snacking something small here and there… therefore my body started storing fat and especially in certain problematic areas. So my ass looked like after very bad plastic surgery, belly like 14 days before giving a birth, and the rest of the body was slowly heading the same direction. That you cannot see it on my pictures? Well to be honest, there are so many filters on my instagram photos that, you can’t even imagine. Not everything is as beautiful as it seems at the first sight. But I believe, I don’t have to tell you that.
But let’s get back to the food. I have substituted all the bread with healthier option such as sunflower or “evening” bread. I have started to look for healthier foods and substituted sugar with stevia. Of course I had to forget about sweetened drinks. That was the biggest torture for me. I don’t mind drinking water but after certain time you get kind of sick and tired of each drink and food. Luckily, my body got used to and I even started to add some flavour into my water using orange, mint or cucumber. So it is all actually doable, you just have to get used to. 🙂
The first few days I was swollen as a hippo, but it pasted and I started to see some changes in my belly area. The coffee was the only sin of mine. I didn´t give it up and I was enjoying it every morning with a feeling of a rebel.
But let’s talk about the training. Dominik didn´t let me pass that easily. Even though I was trying to take “innocently longer” breaks, he saw right through me and he didn’t let me to give up. When you say the word “trainer”, most of us imagine waste of money and giant guy with unnaturally huge muscles and ego bigger than skyscraper in Dubai. Actually I had kind of similar experience in the past, but this time, it was something different. Dominik is very smart, attentive to the body language and when he sees that you are at the end of your energy, he motivates you and helps you not to give up. This is something I appreciated the most and I still do.
The first training session felt like my death. My body was not able to move, everything hurt and then came the moment, when I almost cried while sitting on a toilet and I wanted to give up and celebrate my freedom with huge bucket of ice-cream or our typical Czech pork dish with dumplings. But my motivation and my goal didn’t let me to do it. I would be a very weak chick if after first “ouchie” I would give up…Despite the fact, it was hurting like hell, I came home and did 50 knee-bands and treated myself with a Greek yoghurt. Also the fact that Kuba is gone for 4 weeks motivated me to push through no matter what it costs. I decided that all my effort has to be visible… And you know what? It paid off! Even after those 30 days, you can amount a lot! The only problem is that sometimes we don’t want to believe it and we give up. I was like that as well, but the pictures and lost centimetres don’t lie. The weight doesn’t mean anything. I am not going to explain you the difference between the weight of the muscles and fat, I guess I don’t have to. If you browse the social media sometimes, I am sure you come across some pictures like that. So if you have a scale at home, you take it to the basement, into the attic or you just burry it in a forest.
And what kind of results did I accomplish during my 30 day challenge?
At the beginning of the project: Arm 34 cm / Chest 106 cm / Waist 98 cm / Hips 109 cm / Thigh 65 cm / Calf 40 cm
At the end of the project: Arm 32 cm / Chest 102 cm / Waist 87 cm / Hips 106 cm / Thigh 61 cm / Calf 38 cm
Some people may think that the progress is small, others may think that it is adequate. You have to realize, that the result depends on many aspects as for example your entire body structure- the ratio between fat and muscle or your entire weight. So if you do not see any changes at home and you believe about results happening over night, you can just give up. Dedication is something you will need!
So what happens now? I am definitely not done yet…I believe this is just a beginning and that before I fly to Ibiza, you will see here my picture in bikini, which won’t need any filters. 🙂
Huge thanks belongs to FIT UP!, who went for this project with me and they believed in my commitment despite my tempestuous personality, which isn’t any secret.
I feel there great, relaxed and I have never met more friendly staff before. As I have said once before, it is a place where they give you a friendly pat on your shoulder after your training and they ask you how was it and wish you a nice day. So there is no surprise that I stay faithful to Dominik and I am planning with him more events. Overall, once you get to know this place, you are happy to come back.